Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Faith August - 5 Years!

5 Years, wow!  Faith loves playing "house".  She also will usually chose to stay with the younger set of girls (3 of them who are between 3 and 3 1/2)  within our little circle so that she can be the Mama or at least in charge of play whereas when she plays with the older girls who range from 7 to 10, she is not in charge and that isn't as appealing for her!
Specs -

Sleeping - Still sleeping well at night and having a good time during rest time

Eating - Faith does well here and always tries something new but rarely likes it unless it is a new dessert.  When she loves something (mac & cheese, pizza, marinade meat, sausage pasta) she eats it until her belly is about to burst. 

Play - Loves playing w/ Grace and being a teacher to Grace.  Loves pretending to be Ms Kelli and leading Children's Choir

Skills - Great ladybug catcher.  Great at ballet class and tries so hard to do it well.  Pouring milks, emptying plates from dishwasher.  She continues to do awesome on her bike. 

Education - Doing awesome with her phonics and Bible verse memorization.  She isn't too keen on doing school all the time but each time she learns a new spelling rule, it is exciting for her!  Enjoys making her own readers in LOE.  Anything we can act out or use manipulatives for is awesome. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Grace AnneMarie - 17 Months

This girl LOVES shoes.  She is constantly putting on her big sisters' shoes and walking around the house in them.  It is pretty cute :)

Sleeping - We are down to one nap as of this month.  She, like her eldest sister, just ceased being able to sleep in the afternoon if she got any kind of morning nap so I knew it was time to be done.  I was a little nervous about the transition but she did great and it only took about a week to get longer than a one hour nap in during the afternoon. 

Eating - Grace LOVES ranch dressing.  Seriously, she loves it.  She will simply lick it off whatever veggie I've placed it on.  She also loves other condiments like sour cream and guacamole (Danielle's recipe, of course) but ranch is her favorite. 

Play - Grace loves her sisters, everything about them, including just their presence.  On Thursday afternoons we have a Daddy and one daughter time.  When Grace's day with Daddy came due, I took the other girls to the store.  Frank said she spent their Daddy Daughter time walking over to the garage door asking for "Mama" and "Sissas" wondering why she'd been left behind.  In the mornings and after naps, Grace's favorite activity is to hug each of her sisters.  It is so endearing. 

Grace waves at everyone.  Literally, she just flashes that smile and waves at everyone.  She also gets irritated when her wave is not returned or acknowledged by fellow shoppers at the commissary or wherever we happen to be.  It is so sweet and really there is nothing more validating than being waved at by a cute baby :)