Monday, July 22, 2013

Faith August - 4.25 years

Sleeping - Everything here continues on as before.  No naps but she enjoys rest time and gets a full nights sleep.

Eating - No real changes here either except that she is learning to eat salad.  Ranch is her preferred dressing and she does well with it. 

Skills - "Mama, watch this..." is a phrase I hear a lot and then she attempts some random feat like standing on one leg or jumping around in a circle.  She is learning to do more physically and that is always good.  She will be ready for a bike with pedals anytime.  I am probably going to wait to get her one at Christmas and she should hopefully make the transition easily.  She still swims with her floaty but I am hoping that we can do swim lessons sometime soon and next summer she'll be swimming on her own.  After our long cross country trip she has found a new love of coloring and is getting better at coloring in the lines.   She loves feeding her sister, Grace, and her ability to do so is improving.

Play - She likes wearing a hipster purse... she looks like such a big girl wearing it!  She has found that ziplocs bags can be fun to play with.  She likes the slide top kind and puts anything in them to keep it safe.  I looked in her pink bucket one afternoon and saw half a dozen of my quart size bags in there full of paper and her other toys.  She LOVES Grace.  Loves making Grace laugh, feeding her, sitting with her.  it is the most requested thing of the day "Mama, can I hold Grace, please."

Random - After listening to "The Patience Song" from the Basic Institute for Life CD, she asked "Mama, is there something I can help you do?"  She has always been good about asking when it is time for meals or when we've trained her that now is the time to ask but she came up with this on her own and she used the exact wording from the song.

One night during prayers we were discussing why God and Jesus were the same and she asked how many people are God in heaven and we discussed the trinity using the egg analogy.  She asked if she would have eyes in heaven to see God and I said she would be able to see Him and the streets of gold, the crystal sea, and the river of life.   She got pretty excited and said "I bet we'll be able to swim in the river!"  It was really sweet.

Education - School has been a little sporadic this summer due to our extended travel but she still loves to learn and is going to be ready for a reading program soon!




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