Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Faith August - 4.5 Years

4 1/2 years since my life was changed forever by the 7lb 11oz, 20 inch little girl.  She is now 43 inches tall and 42lbs!

Sleeping - Same as before.  Her rest time has is also doubling as her solo play time and that is going very well.  There are still days when she sleeps but not that often and she is always ready for her time by herself

Eating - No real changes with eating.  We are working harder on table manners, specifically chewing with your mouth closed and waiting to speak until her bite is finished.  Right now I have her raising her hand to let me know she has something she wants to say but is waiting until her mouth is empty. 

Skills - When we arrived in Alabama we met a nice family with a daughter 364 days younger than Faith.  This young girl can swim without a floaty!  Well, when Faith saw that she was determined to swim, or at least try to swim, without hers.  I was impressed by her desire.  The pool closed here on Labor Day weekend so there wasn't a lot of time to practice.  I plan on enrolling the older girls in swim lessons prior to our PCS and that should hopefully accomplish the swim without a floaty desire.

Faith has met her goal for the year of writing the alphabet.  She can write all the uppercase letters and is pretty excited about that. 

Her love of coloring continues and she is actually staying in the lines now and really enjoying it.  Now I've begun to talk to her about color choice and why the princesses look better if they don't have green skin and flaming red hair but hey, it is still up to her :)

I've enrolled her in a Pre-Ballet class which she just loves.  The calm, steady discipline of ballet is perfect for Faith and she is really enjoying it.  She and Rebekah's classes met at the same time of day  and it is pretty convenient.  Hopefully wherever we move next will have something equally perfect for our schedule.  Following Ballet classes on Monday nights we've been volunteering with Inner City Evangelism Bible studies.  Frank works with the adults and the girls and I are in the kids area teaching Bible stories.  I think the whole experience has been great for them (although Faith has picked up a bad word in the process from one of the other kids!) and it is showing them the love of Jesus in action.

Wednesday nights at church Faith is participating in Children's Choir and Girls in Action.  She had her first Children's Choir concert in September and was so cute up there.  She was a little behind on the hand movements but was trying with all her might.  Girls in Action is supposed to be for 1st-6th graders but the teachers wanted her in there anyway.  They have said nothing but good things about her participation!  She gets points for scripture memorization and has done really well with that; she has an impressive memory!

I made a Velcro picture grocery list for Faith so she has something to do in the commissary while her sisters are riding around in the cart.  There is a 3 seater cart at the Maxwell Commissary but it isn't always available and we bring her list every week because she loves using it.  She takes off the Velcro piece and puts it in her purse after we pick up an item.

Was a great helper during our move using her shopping cart to ferry stuff around the house

She loves Grace and loves being a second Mama to her.

Education - We've started using the Logic of English for our phonics lessons.  So far she is doing great.  I love LOE because it is teaching handwriting and phonics at the same time.  She's also started using Rosetta Stone Russian that Frank and I bought several years ago when we first started learning Russian.  In addition to her learning a great deal, I am remembering a bunch of stuff I've forgotten!
As part of my Homemaker Education, Faith has been helping me with Homemade Pasta Making,  Yogurt making, and figuring out what to do with the 30lbs of peaches we picked when we first came to Alabama!

Random - singing - at the top of her lungs her made up praise and worship songs!

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