Monday, February 3, 2014

Grace AnneMarie - 15 Months

Sleeping - About half way through the month, Grace's morning nap started increasing in length and her afternoon nap was suffering for it.  So, I pushed her morning nap to begin at 1030 and that seems to have corrected the issue for now. 

Eating - She has started learning to use a spoon with yogurt, oatmeal, and some thicker soups and really enjoys using it.  I was trying to feed her yogurt one morning and she just cried the whole time although she loves yogurt and was obviously hungry.  So, I tried handing her the spoon and a giant smile extended across her face and I knew she just wanted to be a big girl. 

Skills - Grace is learning to point to body parts: head, ear, nose, mouth, and belly.  She is also learning the M sound so she is beginning to say "Mama" which is just heart melting. 

Play - Because of her nap being pushed back she has now joined us for the first half hour of school which is calendar time and worship time.  We call her the Dancing Queen but also she becomes a little Drama Queen, putting her face on the ground as she is trying to make herself cry after some perceived injustice.  She is the cutest little dancer and she loves it!  On Laundry days she loves being pushed and pulled around in the laundry bucket.  Balls have been incorporated into her list of loves which also include the dog and dolls.  Grace had her first snow day (here in Alabama!!) but wasn't all that enamored with it once her hands got cold, Mama should have put her mittens on!

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