Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Faith August - 5 Years!

5 Years, wow!  Faith loves playing "house".  She also will usually chose to stay with the younger set of girls (3 of them who are between 3 and 3 1/2)  within our little circle so that she can be the Mama or at least in charge of play whereas when she plays with the older girls who range from 7 to 10, she is not in charge and that isn't as appealing for her!
Specs -

Sleeping - Still sleeping well at night and having a good time during rest time

Eating - Faith does well here and always tries something new but rarely likes it unless it is a new dessert.  When she loves something (mac & cheese, pizza, marinade meat, sausage pasta) she eats it until her belly is about to burst. 

Play - Loves playing w/ Grace and being a teacher to Grace.  Loves pretending to be Ms Kelli and leading Children's Choir

Skills - Great ladybug catcher.  Great at ballet class and tries so hard to do it well.  Pouring milks, emptying plates from dishwasher.  She continues to do awesome on her bike. 

Education - Doing awesome with her phonics and Bible verse memorization.  She isn't too keen on doing school all the time but each time she learns a new spelling rule, it is exciting for her!  Enjoys making her own readers in LOE.  Anything we can act out or use manipulatives for is awesome. 

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