Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rebekah Joy - 25 Months

At 25 months Rebekah Joy is growing up so fast!

Continuing to do great sharing a room with her big sister.  She has gotten out of bed twice in the last month, both to let me know that she wanted her blanket back on her.  I am not totally convinced she was awake either time it happened so I will monitor this and see if sleepwalking is in fact what we are dealing with!
Her 2 year molars are coming in as evidenced by her crying at the drop of a hat and loss of appetite.  Towards the end of the month, however, we are doing much better.  Meat is still the last thing eaten on her plate.  She really likes having her food cut up and will usually pretend to do it as I cut it up for real.  I think I said this last month but I need to get her started on using a regular rather than sippy cup at the table. 
She is doing well at getting her own panties on and we are starting to work on her getting her pants on by herself.  She also wants to wipe herself after potty and her baby doll.  She has a huge vocabulary, it is really stunning and she is big into explaining everything right now which is good, it means she is listening!  Her gymnastics classes are still a big hit and she really is improving in her balance beam walking and hanging, which she continues to do on everything that looks like it might have a sufficient hand hold area.  She wants to jump on her own so badly but isn't quite there yet.
She has gotten a lot of use out of her birthday presents from last month.  She greatly enjoys walking with her caterpillar and does remarkably well on our little 1/2 mile walk around our neighborhood.  One of her favorite toys has become her snap and style baby dolls.  Those have been great in both solo play and playtime with mama.  She loves playing with our friend's doll house when it is on loan and continues to really enjoy being read to. 
Rebekah is now a middle child with the birth of a new baby sister on November 2nd.  Rebekah has been very into her new sister, looking at her and touching her (also using the hand sanitizer!), and overall is preparing to be an awesome mama.  I am going to love watching her imitate me in the coming months with Grace, it is so sweet to see little mamas in training!  It continues to challenge me to be worthy of imitation

Our Schedule (before baby Grace's arrival):
0730 - Book and Giggle time :)
0800 - Wake, dress, breakfast
0900 - Preschool
1030 - Outside
1200 - Lunch, chore, reading
1330 - Nap
1600 - Playtime with Mama
1630 - Snack, solo play, freeplay
1800 - Dinner, family time, bath, reading, Bible story, bedtime o/a 2001

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