Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grace AnneMarie - 8 Months

Grace AnneMarie – 8 Months
Sleeping – Nighttime sleep continues to go well with no significant interruptions.   We are firmly on 2 naps now, the first one around 9:45-10 until noon and the second starting around 2.  I would like to say she sleeps for 2 hours for that one but usually is 45 minutes to 1 ½ hours but she stays in her room until 4 and is usually okay with that.  For most of this month we’ve been travelling so she has taken a ton of carseat naps both in and out of the car.  She is a trooper though and only after 3 days of all day driving did she really have a melt down; one good night of sleep though and she was back to her happy self again.

Eating – Nursing still 3 to 4 times a day with the DF milk given at the 7pm feeding.  New solids this month include cauliflower, apricots (the best first fruit for her yet!), blueberries, and fish.  She found a love for avocado this month when I gave it to her not mushed up. 

Skills – While not crawling she is certainly no long stationary.  She skootches around within about a 3 ft diameter circle going after things she wants or just moving for the sake of doing it.  She continues to be incredibly vocal but really only knows the Da sound, a sort of singing sound, and the cutest little cooing.  She is rolling onto her tummy consistently and then belly crawling backwards.  She has started playing peek-a-boo and loving it!  Grace also enjoys throwing herself backwards while in our arms.  There have been a few times we weren’t ready for it but no real mishaps J

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