Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Grace AnneMarie - 14 Months

Is it possible that I have the cutest baby on the planet?  I am sure lots of parents think that but I actually do have her!

Specs - 22lbs, 31 inches

Sleeping - No changes, still 12 hours at night and 2 naps a day, no real signs yet of dropping that first nap. 

Eating - Grace has learned to say "milk".  She is doing better about eating the food on her tray without whining for something else she sees on the table.  Not perfect but getting there.  We dropped the nighttime bottle when she turned 14 months and I still warm her milk a little bit in the sippy but she is happy with it cold also.

Skills -  Grace shakes her head "yes" whenever she hears inflection in your voice.  By the end of the month she also learned to shake "no" and is now confusing them, shaking "no" when she really means "yes" and you can tell from the look in her eyes!
She has learned to crawl up and get down safely from the couch.  She also figured out she can go down the slides at the park on her tummy with great success.  Awesome walker!

Play - If Grace sees a book, she wants you to read it.  She is constantly crawling into mine or Frank's lap with a book in her hand.  It is so endearing and impossible to resist because we want her to love to read!  She continues to love her little Hide and Squeek Eggs and Dolls.  Doll, Dog, and DaDa are the only words she really says consistently but she says them with such passion.  Her sisters got a set of Magna Tiles for Christmas and Grace has enjoyed being "Baby Godzilla" to come knock down towers!  She can be such a terror to them but then so loving to her doll :)

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