Monday, April 23, 2012

Faith August - 36 Months

Faith is now 3 years old, my my how the time does fly!  We had a wonderful birthday party at a park on base the day before her birthday.  It was a flower party, complete with a flower cake, flower candies, and the kids painted flower pots for a craft.  The party went really well and I think Faith loved seeing all of her friends and family who were able to join us.  Her actual birthday however, she woke up with a 102.5 degree fever and felt terrible all day.  Much to her disappointment we stayed home from church but we read every book we own, at least 5 times and this morning the doctor gave her a clean bill of health!  We are grateful for short illnesses :)

We instituted the utensils or starvation rule prior to her birthday and she is doing remarkably well!   I am so proud of her.  She is pretty proud of herself too now that she doesn't need us to wipe her hands off after a meal because they didn't get dirty.  She continues to eat well and loves most food, broccoli being the one major exception but she will eat her required bites when it is on her plate. 
Faith's nighttime sleep continues to go well (except for the sick nights!).  She knows that she and Rebekah are going to share a room when the new baby comes and they've had several opportunities to try it out and most recently it has descended into a giggle fest for about 30 minutes.  It is super cute to listen to and I am sure they will get used to having each other in there after a while of it no longer being a novelty.  Her naps continue as before... it usually takes her about an hour to fall asleep for naps but then she'll sleep sometimes for 45 minutes, sometimes I have to wake her at 4:30.  There are a few occasions when she doesn't sleep at all but they are not the norm. 
Faith has really gotten into playing preschool.  She enjoys doing our home school preschool so much that she has become the teacher for her dolls.  That is all she wants to do during solo playtime and I can hear her in there doing her days of the week and months of the year songs, the pledge, and reading to them from her "letter books".  She continues to enjoy putting table settings together and pretend food for her and her dolls.  Faith still loves her dolls and in addition to teaching them preschool, and feeding them, she still likes having them to play outside and send down the slide and push in the stroller.  I imagine when she has another baby in the house, it will only increase. 
Faith is doing really well folding laundry and LOVES cleaning the bathrooms (which who could be upset with that!).  She is starting to enjoy tracing her letters and recognizes at least half of her lower case letters.  Her counting is awesome and I am so impressed with her memory!  Pre-school is going so well and she really enjoys learning, both the academic side and the Bible side, which I plan to keep as part of our curriculum for their entire schooling.  Faith can put on her shirt by herself now and is basically self-sufficient in getting dressed.  She still loves helping me cook and prepare our meals.  Tumbling class is still a highlight of the week and she loves all parts of it but I think the trampoline and the hanging bars are her favorite.  She is helping me potty train Rebekah and really is happy for her sister when she does well, which I love to see. 
Our Schedule:
0800 - Wake, get dressed, breakfast
0900 - Preschool (On Thursday we do this until 1130)
1000 - Snack, outside
1130 - Sibling play
1200 - Lunch, chore, time with Mama
1400 - Nap
1630 - Snack, dinner prep, solo play
1800 - Dinner, family time, bath time, Bible story, bedtime o/a 2001 (she loves to hear taps being played and we call it "Good Night Air Force Base"

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