Sunday, September 9, 2012

2012 LRAFB Air Show

Two years ago during the LRAFB Air Show, I was 38 weeks pregnant with Rebekah and the temperature was in the high 90s with humidity to match, in short, it was miserable!  This year, however, there was a nice thunderstorm on Friday night that brought the temperature down into the mid-80s and low humidity for the airshow Saturday.  I am only 32 weeks pregnant this time, so a few pounds lighter than last time :).  On Friday afternoon I'd filled up the kiddie pool and the girls watched the Blue Angels practice which soaking in the pool which got them super excited for the airshow the next day.  We spent the day with the Langehaugs and loved it!
Family shot with the USCG Helo.

Rebekah exploring the helo.

Faith insisted on waiting in a 20 minute line to see what was up the stairs in the C-17.  I was so proud of her as she waited so patiently to get into the cockpit.  I don't know exactly what she expected to see up there but she was pretty excited about getting to sit in the driver's seat!

Here are my girls going for a pretend helo ride :)

Faith and I enjoying a nice frozen lemonade waiting for the Blue Angels to start.  For skipped naps that day in order to enjoy all the entertainment and food was certainly helpful in keeping everyone happy :) We found some shade under the wing of the C-17 parked near the runway and hung out there all day, moving the stroller to keep our spot in the shade!
Rebekah passed out after walking back from the K-9 demo.  She slept for about 20 minutes until the Blue Angels started and then she watched in amazement with Daddy at the airplanes zooming by.


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