Friday, January 25, 2013

10 Plagues

Update to my last attempt at this Bible story.

We sang The Plague Song and did one plague each day for 2 weeks.  I used visuals from 1+1+1=1 and I think the combination of the song, the pictures, and the crafts helped the girls remember each plague.  I was really amazed at how much they retained.

Plague #1, red food coloring into water using small medicine droppers:

#2, paper plate Frogs painted green using the girls' handprints as the legs
 #3, Lice (the singular is louse which I learned this week).  We used a brown paper bag and pipe cleaners to make these lice.

#6, Boils and sores to make you sick.  I used medical tape to put red playdough boils on the girls' skin.  We also made red milk for dinner.  

#7, Hail.  I was also planning on letting them throw ice outside but it was way too cold!

#8, Locusts.  We watched a BBC video on locusts and then made locusts legs.  Later that night I poured cereal on the floor for a sensory exercise on locusts.

#9, Darkness.  The girls did a simple light/dark paper craft and then I turned off all the lights and covered their heads with towels and we walked around in the dark for a while :)

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