Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Grace AnneMarie - 10 Months

The day Grace turned 9 months she started crawling and got her first tooth.  I had already written her update for that month so they didn't get included.  She currently has 2 teeth on the bottom and the cutest little grin.  Her smile is pure joy when she claps her hands at my singing or Frank's playing the guitar.  I just love it.  She is completely enamored with her sisters (who wouldn't be!) and finds a great deal of fascination in the dog as well. 

Sleeping - Her nighttime sleep is great and she usually wakes up around 7:30/7:45.  We ended naps in the car seat, which was painful for about 2 days and now she is fine in her bed.  They do seem to be sporadic as to whether they last longer than 45 minutes or not but that was happening in the car seat as well during the last month.  If she were my first child I would probably devote an entire spreadsheet to tracking her naps but for now, she is happy even if she wakes up early and that is enough for me!  Toward the end of the month, Grace developed a fever of over 102 and reaching 103.5 for several days.  Thankfully it was not an ear infection and after I finally got the right dosage of medication for her and administered it, the fever broke; however, she developed a rash all over her body and the symptoms show it as roseola.  The rash doesn't seem to bother her but her nighttime sleep has been affected for a few days. 
Eating - Wow!  Grace loves to eat.  She loves to feed herself, anything. I have yet to put anything in front of her that she didn't just go crazy over.  She loves meat, beets, veggies, fruit, cheese, everything she can feed herself.  She is not too big a fan of yogurt right now (reminiscent of Rebekah) but she does give the same horrible reaction when presented with some yogurt, she simply takes a few bites and is done.  Nursing is going well.  During my period this month my milk supply dropped and has never fully recovered, I'll probably start supplementing with formula this week. 

Skills - Crawling, everywhere.  She is a mobile baby now and loving it.  She comes pretty consistently when I call to her and responds after only a few corrections to all the "No's" that have suddenly entered her world.  Thankfully for me (but not for her) I have 2 additional helpers to alert her to all the 'No' items in our house.  She is working on pulling herself up on the coffee table.  Grace does enjoy crawling over obstacles to get to the places she wants.  I don't know if this is a skill or just a game she likes to play but if I bring my head close into hers she will bring hers in the rest of the way to head butt me and then she just laughs like its going out of style.  Grace has also discovered books!  If there is one on the floor she wants it (not during solo play though, she is content to just scream then no matter how many books are available).  She enjoys being read to and looking at books on her own. 

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